Act in such a way so that we don't have to invent rules due to your actions.
Be respectful. Don’t discriminate against other members. Avoid disrupting discussions. harassment and targeted attacks are strictly forbidden. Persistent acts of hostility are not tolerated.
No NSFW or explicit content, including in usernames and profile pictures. Keep discussions appropriate for a public space.
Use language translatable by common tools.
No begging for items or services. No scams or advertisements. No unauthorized promotions.
No doxxing or attempts to reveal personal information. Respect members' privacy.
No distribution of malicious or otherwise risky software. Do not advise actions that could lead to bricks or other damage.
No flooding with walls of GIFs, emojis, or repetitive content.
Moderators will evaluate incidents considering:
- Context and severity
- Pattern of behavior
- Member's history and contributions
Rule violations may result in warnings, temporary restrictions, or permanent removal from the group, depending on the aforementioned conditions. Serious rule violations may result in immediate permanent bans.